How Porn Drives Technological Development

For decades, the pornography industry has had a strong influence in popularizing the
consumption of…

If you are asked about pornography today you can probably name a few famous websites or
keywords that refer to naked girls such as TOP FAP GIRLS, BBW, MILF, and things of that nature
but did you know that pornography first came in a much simpler form?

Pornography is as old as humanity itself. But if it used to have a much more artistic function, it
wasn’t until the 19th century that it began to play an important role as a product. And, more than
that, it was instrumental in the development of several technologies. If pornography was
originally an “expression of art”, then it transformed into a commercial commodity, which like
other commodities also pushed its distribution in a wider direction. Wider distribution requires
better distribution technology and better technology has a domino effect on the development of
other related technologies.

It All Started with Photography

Photography can be considered the first form of commercialization of sex material. Although it
was expensive, there were clients who did not mind spending more money on nude photos than
on prostitutes. Back then, some studios in Paris sold these types of photos, trying to evade the
authorities with what they called “art studies”, popularizing the format. Basically, clients wanted
to experience “a new sensation” that they couldn’t get from hiring “ordinary prostitutes”.
In the 20th century, people felt more comfortable buying photos, but not watching movies in
public theaters. Hence, the “perspective box” was invented in the 1960s. People paid to watch
movies one by one, which could earn thousands of dollars a week for one box. That was
probably one of the first examples of mass distribution of pornographic content. That’s when
porn started to turn into a huge industry that involved a lot of people. That’s where porn got its
start, and it spread to many countries.

The Emergence of Videotapes

With the advent of videotapes, it didn’t take long for the porn industry to invest heavily in this
format, thus increasing its sales. In the 1970s, the majority of cassettes sold were pornographic
material. When cassettes came into existence, production costs were high and consumption was
low, but the privacy they offered was the stimulus the industry needed. The videotape industry is
not static and is always evolving, and it could be argued that the sheer number of pornographic
videotapes in circulation was a stimulus to the industry. In turn, the proliferation of pornographic
videotapes will lay the groundwork for the proliferation of digital pornographic video files.

Boosted by the Internet

Finally, the porn industry is also important to the development of the Internet. The internet boom
happened around late 1999 and early 2000s, and it was due to the spread of digital porn content.
More and more websites were introduced and some of them were basically porn sites, which
offered a “new way” (at the time) to enjoy porn content anytime as long as there was a PC and an
internet network (back then most cell phones still couldn’t be used to play porn movies). Before,
people had to rely on magazines like Playboy and Penthouse, and “suddenly” they had a lot of
options. There weren’t as many porn websites as there are now but they were still available in
abundance from the perspective of people back then.

An interest in porn helped make relationships better, for example. Also, with the need to
distribute content online, the industry helped develop digital technologies, such as video file
compression. Initially, porn video files were very large, making it impossible for “ordinary PCs”
to store them in large quantities and today a simple smartphone can store hundreds of porn video
files especially since most porn content today is not “full movie content”.

They are dominated by snippets which are more popular due to their small file size. And the
distribution of porn content today is not at all dependent on downloaded files because of the
cloud system. Each website has its own cloud storage and visitors are not always enthusiastic
about downloading files and storing them on their devices. Most of them simply visit their
favorite porn website, enter a few keywords, and choose the content they like to play. There is a
fundamental change in how people enjoy porn. Instead of relying on their own storage, they now
rely on the cloud systems of big porn websites to access the content they like, anytime and

The global porn industry can now be fully represented by porn websites, live streaming services,
and AI-powered porn content generators. Pornhub, one of the most visited porn websites in the
world, is now as popular as Netflix or LinkedIn and ultimately there is no doubt in one thing,
porn played a huge role in helping technology get to where it is today.

By Vampire

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